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Ever been in a casino and wondered what pai gow is? In this video, our gambling expert explains the basic rules of this popular Chinese game. See if it’s something you might want to try your luck at.
Hey guys. I wanted to go into a game that I was very excited about covering, because I couldn’t find any videos on it online when I was first learning. Hopefully I’ll be able to teach you all also. This is how to play Pai Gow Tiles.
In this game, there are 32 dominos. Each player will place a bet. Four players here. Dice are rolled, usually it’s in a cup, and it determines who would go first. So, these come off to the side. Dealer gets his. Every player gets a stack. The object of the game is to have two sets of two tiles that both beat the dealer. Sounds a little confusing, but this, I’ll be honest, it is. But hopefully I’ll be able to demystify this game with you in this series. So, players will get their tiles face up, these are tiles that are all based on Chinese imagery. And basically, the object of the game is to set your tiles in a way where you feel that you’re going to be able to beat the dealer. And all of these are by point value here. This is an eight, and this is a ten, alright. We go with the last digit, so this is actually an eight. And the highest you can get without any special pairs and things like that is nine. This here is an eight. And this here would be six, and 11. So this is a seven, because you know, seventeen, we chop off the one. This here is five and four, so that’s a nine. With these hands here, all right, so this would be a four, because you have an eight, and a six. So this would be 14. These tiles are special, there’s a three and a special six, which is made out of four two. This would count as a three or a six. So here, in this case, it would be six plus the three, so that’s a nine. That’s not too bad. Then here with this, we have a pair, which is better than a nine. And then we’ve got right here, this would be a seven, and then a six, so this is three. And then the pair.
The object is to beat the dealer, who has to play his hand a certain way. And in the case here, he’s got a five, and then a nine. So right here, five beats this one here, but it doesn’t beat the pair. So that’s a push. If you win one, lose one, it’s a push. And here, this is a four, and then the nine. So this nine, because it’s made out of this tile, confused yet? Just because this nine is better than this nine, but this four is worse than this five. So that’s also a push. Here you’ve got a seven and a nine. This nine beats this nine. But then, this seven beats this five. So that’s a push. And then we’ve got an eight and a seven. We’ve got eight, eight, and an eight, alright, so then, the eight beats the dealer, but then the nine beats him. So then that’s a push. Confused yet? I know. It’s a game where you push a lot of times, and the house edge is actually pretty low in the game, and actually it works out to your favor if you actually know how to play. We’ll go into more detail about hands and rankings, and what beats what and how do you beat the dealer in a later video.
Source: YouTube

Song in the background?
your an guy
I got confused right after the HELLO.
You're assuming they already know how the point spread works like in Baccarat where the rightmost digit is always used and the one is chopped off or to make it easier, if it's ten or over, subtract ten. Horrible "tutorial." I understood literally nothing about the tile system.
Dude, do you know what you are doing? You are just a beginner trying to teach. You don’t even know the rank of the tiles.
第二手就错了,两个六要换一下形成一个大四大九然后这手牌因为庄牌是梅五天九所以是lose而不是push,最后一手house way因为有人牌所以是走79而不是88。这老黑瞎几把什么都不懂都敢发教学视频骗钱
you have to teach the card rankings first then show them how to play. btw your first hand you played 8/8 house way should be 9/7 the 8 red dot is the 3rd highest ranking card so you would have a big 9 with strong 7 with that 10.
'Nuff said