Craps Tips Video Source:
Hits Bet Payouts Invested
1 $330 inside $105 first hit $330
2 $550 inside $175 second hit $115
$105 win plus $115
3 $770 inside $245 third hit $45
$175 win plus $45 $220 regress ________
___________ $490
4 $550 inside $175 win
$175 win $220 regress
5 $330 inside $105 win
$105 win $220 regress
$110 left on the table to play as desired
As you can see you collect $465 on the third hit which almost gets you all the way out of the hand.
If you can make 5 hits you win a total of $805 or 50% of bankroll.
This channel is focused on strategy roll outs and Strategy development and focuses on showing how well a strategy can hold up to a table, whether Hot, Cold, or Choppy, and tries to show the viability/ strength of certain plays, and how or when one should change their style of play. I attempt to set and shoot the dice and am still working on that skill set. I enjoy rolling out strategies that are submitted by viewers and subscribers, as it let you know if your method of thinking works, other than using apps. Never know, your strategy might just be the One, to beat the Casino. Thank you for watching the videos. Until Next Time, Talk to you Later.
This video is for entertainment purposes only. I am not a professional gambler; I roll out these strategies for the fun and love of the game. I only gamble with disposable income, and do not promise profit with the strategies I play. There are NO guaranteed/ 100% winning system. All ways of playing can lose. If you believe yourself to have a gambling addiction, please seek help. National Problem Gambling Helpline 1-800-522-4700 Call Text or Chat
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Source: YouTube

Great Twist Thank you
That was fun–aggressive, but fun! Thanks to Wilson for the strat–thank you, Chris, for being open to subscribers' strategies!
Is this Click Bank? cus' there is nothing better than in my books.
Thanks for rolling that out Chris. Your 530 somewhere gave me the idea. It's an aggressive strategy but if you can just make 3 inside hits your there.
This is a VERY aggressive strategy ( MY opinion only) that can/will bankrupt your bankroll UNLESS variance is very kind, or you are Tossing “ lights out”!
Bankroll is broken down into four separate units. The very FIRST wager is risking over 50% of the separated bankroll.
Yep, all you need is XYZ number of hits & you’re good, right?
Let’s play devil’s advocate here! Sometimes that PSO or three roll hand is painstakingly present no matter how skilled the Shooter is.
The math of the game is a damning reality for those that THINK they are Craps Strategy SPECIALISTS, along with those that THINK their stellar Shooting can beat the Inside, Across, even, odd, iron Cross wagers ( out of the gate)!
A VERY slippery slope that inevitably puts you in a ditch, & usually it’s “ Trying to recover time” for the duration of the session.
Little Risk with a high Return of Investment is ALWAYS the way to tip-toe into a hand, until you are playing on Winnings, & THAT is the time to MAYBE become a little more aggressive.
I’ve always adapted the saying of : “ If the game/wagers seem a bit boring….. you’re more than likely playing the correct way.
However, once again….. this is only MY opinion.
Continued success!!
If you bet 330 inside to start out with, leaving 170 in the rail with full intentions of getting it all into the mix, why not just go $440 inside and then $30 each on the 4&10? Then after the first hit (which will be bigger) you can always pull the 4&10 down to use on the inside? I mean the strategy plans on using it anyway, why not make the most of it? It also doesn’t waste any 4’s and 10’s which you were rolling.
Nice rollout brother! and cool strategy! Quite aggressive but I like it!
The name.. Not Possible
Unlimited possibilities 👍I stop when is time to sleep