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Today we take a look at the legendary Cheap Tips SMG! If you enjoyed, then be sure to leave a “Like” and subscribe!
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(I make all the tracks. They’re all on my discord and bandcamp.)
Source: YouTube

Do Moxxie guns in bl3 still heal you with every shot?
You just use this gun so you can boost your other weapons it works for me. It's work well with the Recursion.
I use the cryo tips on amara
Just got this gun and I really like it, not my favorite but up in the top few i have so far. Mine is very stable so crits are easy…maybe my version is different I guess. I'm only going on mayhem 2 at the moment too and my vest weapon is lucky 7 so far, along with lyuda. Otherwise, I don't have a lot of good level 50 legendaries yet.
I use this weapon with my all elemental amara build because it has the perfect elemental anointment. It shreds
You're using moze when the yellow writing says it's for your drone the gun is for Zane lol
Have an irradiated version. It shreds. And when it doesn't I pick up those chips and swap to my Lyuda and watch things melt
Is the damage boost just for that gun?
That weapon in cryo is broken had a level 21 version and used it to level 35 before I could even start noticing its dropoff and i probably would have used it longer if I didn't get like 2 more legendary smgs
Question, how does becoming terrified aid your build? How does one get that to work? I have many questions…