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Christopher Mitchell How To Get Rich In The Casino (9 Valuable Tips) And Become A VIP High Roller. In this video, VIP High Roller, Professional Gambler Christopher Mitchell gives you 9 valuable tips on how to get rich in the casino.
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#ChristopherMitchell #HowToGetRichInCasino #BaccaratStrategy
Source: YouTube

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Hi Christopher. Thank your for another excellent video's. Congrats on winning.
Great tips! But honestly I'm surprised casinos even keep offering baccarat, it's so easy to overcome and profit off quickly. I guess the price of dinner must overcome those casinos losses haha.
Thank you for the tips keep it up Your friend from Macau
I love you dude.. Cute family.. Can you give us your best baccarat strategy of all your strategies from the video?!
Does your wife still help you with baccarat play, like being the dealer. Could you repeat what casino's do not have that % charge on banker? thanks
Your tips are traching me to manage on my own in very practical ways. One fundamental that applies to me extremely well is the kind of game I chose to specialize in being craps. After learning the bankroll requirements for various games the most crucial method I am learning is how and when to strike without shooting my self in the foot as they say. Some games have more risk to a degree and if it goes one way or another its feast or famine in a hurry as you know. That being said once of the greatest examples of managing your gaming sessions is by you taking a break here and there after a run. Eventhough we specialize in different games: the one day where you took a 2000 buyin and profited and took a break and rebought in for the same buy in and suceeded 3 times that particular day sat well with me. So much so that I recollect the many times of smaller buy ins of 200 to 300 I was ahead say 150 to 200 and should have learned that simple approach would havr shaped my overal system faster had I done that simple thing of taking breaks here and there. A good friend of mine showed me when he bought in for a hundred bucks playing whatever he was playing and profited and did the same thing after he profited all week for 5 days in a row. My friend reminded me of that after we listened to your video when you were traveling and bought in 3 times with the same buy in. Then it's just hit home that I have a lot more potential and by me Cutting out the toxic people out of my life I was able to think better and develop the things that work for me. I wanted to mention the lecture you gave on having a proper bankroll was great I see where $2,000 is a good amount but with crops I can get away with 500 I should be blessed that I can get away with that since my skills and mgmt tools are much higher now then before. Your teachings have made a difference in me finding that bal. Just watching your videos and me learning from then has done enough to help me change how I do things. Keep up the great work.
Hi Chris , what’s the best strategy or system to win at casino ? What does your experience say ?
Hi CM. Thanks for the inspiring video and tips… Have you ever lost using your new strategies? Flat betting
Sir … i must say you are doing something right …you have the youtube going crazy… i agree about the losing mentality… they are born lovers bro… as far as your system.. its WORKS but like with anything in this world nothing is 100%.. so let the haters hate bro… only thing I suggest is to make them aware the you can also lose and fast but any gambler worth his salt must recognize its not working right now and adjust to what the table is showing you ..why do people keep beating a dead horse…for what??? Adjustments a must….and everything else you have said in this video is spot on …keep up the good work bro…. BANKROLL MANAGEMENT!!!!!