10 thoughts on “Craps! 66 inside +22 inside each hit. 660 Bankroll. Plus Covid talk!

  1. Good to see you getting back on your feet. You're attitude is inspiring! It's been a rough few months, but your vision and drive are what set you apart from most. If there is anything I can do, you know how to reach me.

  2. Can you please do a video on uncle Angelo's 108 strategy? It has me very intrigued and I'd love to hear your views on it and see if there is anything that you would modify. I value your opinion more than anyone else's in craps so I'd be very curious to hear your thoughts on it

  3. Thanks for sharing!! All the best to you and yours. Life is a journey and sometimes there are bumps in the road. Keep moving forward and just know the community is behind you!!

  4. Super glad to hear you made it through!
    Although sorry to hear that Colorado isnโ€™t working for you. Best of luck back in Arkansas. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Jacob, praying for you and your family. I've so much enjoyed and learned from your videos. Good luck!

  6. I'm planning to try this next time. I think personally if I get to $40 or $45 on 5&9, and $42 on 6&8, I would either start collecting on a few rolls or just regress down to the starting stack and collect the winnings, then start pressing again. It's everyone's personal choice. But I do like this strategy. When you got up to $120 on each, I'd be scared and probably go back down to $25 each on 5&9 and $30 each on 6&8, and start pressing again……And after making so much profit, I'd probably have money on the 4, 10, and all the hard ways ! And no doubt you hit the ATS so there's a bunch more money !

  7. I tried this yesterday (12/21/21) at Choctaw in Durant, Okla. I lost about $300 at first on several short rolls. But one guy rolled long enough for me to press $22 inside 3 or 4 times and I collected enough to win all my money back.

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