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This is the most females I've ever see at a table at one time.
One of the ladies said "look they got a camera on the table!" That's pretty funny, imagine if someday they actually come here and see themselves on yt or better yet, one of the husbands not there sees their wife blow a ton of money on dumb bets? That will eventually happen anyways if they stay long enough! The key to their action is to get away from that table sooner rather than later, so they don't bl__w it in a hurry. Well, you get the idea. LOL Good Luck gals, take that money!
NEVER have I seen the whole end filled with females!
They were not scared to bet,either!
Couldn't see some of the bets or pay offs. Noisy bunch and I hope they had some fun.
Thanks for posting.
I was wondering why the stickman is standing on the wrong side.
the lady on the right reminded me of my late wife , I hope they had a good time
Older lady at the corner of table may be the best of the bunch!
Fake chips, no value on them. Must be for a charity event or just for fun.