Craps Tips Video Source:
Craps Hacking| Fire bet| All | Tall | small | pt 2 finish
Source: YouTube

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Fkin burt it up watching and learning new stacks..keep slanging that dangerous arm.!
D A good video keep up the good infro, I look forward to watching you
another great bone sling'n session CK
Monster roll CK! Good bad. Destroying the table, that's what I'm talking about!
Don't color up the green red and black go in your pocket they going to pay you in 500. 1000 chips for the all and fire bets don't cash out that day buy in next time with big chips just make sure thay don't sell the place. I bet you can make a 1000 a day the next week or so.
25 all 2 onfire like to put fifty or 100 on the all nice hit they would remeber you and study the tape i had to switch boats after that pit bosses change jobs because your not the only winner all the alls and fire bets from the table they could have lost over a100000 thousand easy they don't like that .a whale was playing 50 on the all bet so i put 25 on the all to i happen to be rolling fun day the max 15 got changed the boat got greedy it go's both ways
Last day of 2018, just wondering if your landig this throw stacked 2 to 3 inches out. Missing your video's brother, Jr