Craps Tips Video Source:
Craps Las Vegas strip
Repeater bet Harrahs
Source: YouTube

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So instead of "All Tall, All Small, All or Nothing", you bet on repetitive individual numbers?" Interesting. Guess I will Google the payouts for that.
Howzit Logan, like the vid. Clear and stable for someone that is throwing. Mahalo
Why am I watching this? The camera is all over the place and we can’t hear what numbers are being thrown.
That's a new table design with some new bad betting on it… Field bets are bad enough, but Left, Right, and Center? Also, there's no triple payout for the 12. Clearly, there's better action at other places besides the resort tables.
Terrible shaky camera job and stupid dealers never call out the roll loud enough to hear anything.
My goodness. Are they renovating the table or playing craps? lol
I had to stop watching. Can’t hear or know what the rolled numbers were. smh
good idea but your videos is worthless man. you should try editing it by putting the numbers that was rolled on the screen after it is rolled or ask the stickman to call the numbers out louder. this totally is not worth watching.
poor camera work learn how to shoot
Do you have a nervous condition or something? If that camera is attached to your head, why can’t you keep your head still?