Craps Tips Video Source:
A surprising amount of money “leaks” from your table simply because you’re not in full control of the chips in your rail and don’t have an accurate view of how much you’ve actually got.
Learning how to properly cycle your bankroll to the table and into your profits, keeping close, accurate, and constant tabs on the status of your money is essential to knowing when to walk, and when to strike.
Following a few simple guidelines will really help you to stay on top of your stacks.
Break up the chips in your rail into 4 Quadrants:
1: Bankroll
2: Money to use (only) on the active shooter
3. Profits
4. Random (tips, vids, etc)
Within each quadrant, use some kind of separator to visually break things up. For example, if you’re planning to play 10 shooters, separate your bankroll into 10 segments. Insert a different colored chip (white, perhaps) or an acrylic separator between each segment. This will make it easy for you to see quickly how many shooters you are to play on.
In your profits, do the same thing, but instead of separating by shooter amount as you did in the bankroll quadrant, separate your profits into groups of chips you can color up with. This makes doing the math a lot easier.
Consistently bring your money for each shooter to the #2 quadrant and bet/receive from there. After each shooter, re-evaluate your rack, and build your bankroll back to it’s starting level if you can, separate out your profits and leave a winner!
Remember that “Knowledge is Power” … use your chips and the rail to give you good information about how you’re doing with regards to your starting bankroll, # shooters you can play on, and your profits.
Betting Table Supplies (Amazon):
Chip Rail (and other great DIY Craps Table supplies) can be found at 7outwoodnc on Etsy:
The opinions in this video are not guaranteed or warranty to produce any particular result. This video is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Any form of gambling carries an inherent risk. Never gamble with money you cannot afford to lose. Anyone who believes they, or someone they know, may have a gambling addiction, please seek help.
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Source: YouTube

I just ordered some clear Chip Spacers then remembered I have a bunch of the orange bingo chips I bought to use for the ATS, oh well. Thanks for the great advice and content.
This video is great advice in helping me to organize my chips rack video
From the bottom of my pocket thank you very much. You may have saved me so much money 💰🤑.
And I might need your programming skills. Drop me a line
Excellent coverage – excellent presentation
Awesome!! I like it!! Very easy to see!!
That was a great information video!
Thank you , I appreciate it.
I do almost the same thing but those spacers I never thought of. Well, Amazon, here we come. Good stuff John
I do something like this, I have used the white chips as dividers ( when I have at least 10 of them) or I will place (depending on the denomination but putting the in increments of $25 or $100) 1st set on the edge, 2nd set laying flat, 3rd on its edge and so forth this way I have accountability of my bank roll
Genius! Also came to this channel from color up