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For wagermethis merchandise check out This is a different look on the age old Cross. Check it out, break it down, and get back to me!
Source: YouTube

I like it but don't like putting too much $ laying the risky 6 & 8. I'd prefer this than starting with the DP and risk losing on the come out. Certainly racking some profits along the way. Good strategy.
I think this strategy is great except the lay bet moving to the inside numbers . A recent video of yours said the 6 and 8 needed to be in almost every strategy that use the place scenario… When the lay moves to inside numbers the probabilities go up against the lay … in a sense you are contradicting yourself in the probabilities part of the game by laying on inside numbers ? Ping ponging the 4 and 10 would make more sense … Back to back rolls are they counted in probabilities 🙂 As always I love your content because you think outside of the box and you actually listen to your subscribers …
Great stuff Jacob – Thank You!
hate the iron cross. yes you win on every roll but you lose half the time too with the field bet. i do like moving the lay bets though never thought about that pretty good idea almost genius.
I like it. I can see the lay getting confusing fast. Would it simplify things to increase your lay in $30 increments? It will keep you from having to do too many calculations.
Do like the iron cross if you hit a lot of non score numbers.
I suggest having a print out or something of what lay bets should be and how they pay because you were off so many times. Like on the 6&8 you were laying in increments of $6 but it needs to be $7 cause it pays $6 for every $7 bet. Not $5 for every $6 bet.
Not a fan of the Iron Cross.
You’ve ALMOST opened my mind to laying the 6 & 8!! Only have to lay $120 to win $100 instead of laying $200 to win $100 like the 4&10. Not bad at all, it’s just you know it’s only 6 ways to 5 instead of 6 ways to 3
I use to play the iron cross bc I liked getting paid on every number, but what I found is, it robs your odds too much on the 5, 6 and 8. Now, depending on the table minimum, I'll either do $64 across or $160 across and throw a $4 dollar horn or $4 c & e.