9 thoughts on “Craps strategy ***collect, press & lay strategy***

  1. D D good information and like you said you have to have discipline on any strategy you use,The worst thing to do is to dip into your pocket of winnings.thanks for the video

  2. I tried this strategy and then got mixed up and combined the other strategy with the $30 don’t, I made $58 on a 7 out plus what I had made within the 6 rolls. So I’ve been practicing a little combination of the both strategies you’ve posted. Please keep the videos coming, learning lots!

  3. Damn. I like this strategy. We have a craps table here in Oregon. And, I have been playing for the last two months. Experimenting with Dont Pass and Come, because if I timed it well, I would get paid on the DP and the Come when Big Red rolled. Also, playing Pass when the table is hot and DP when it's not. But, this strategy here is something very unique….to me it is. I'm going to try it this weekend! Thanks for sharing this! I may not be betting nearly as much as you are betting, but up to half of what you are putting out there. Thanks again! I subscribed too 🙂

  4. Good bad bro! I was wondering if you had any strategy videos betting when you're the shooter? Thanks!

  5. I've never been to a casino that will permit you to lay less than $41 on the 4 or 10. Just saying, carry on. I'm watching.

  6. I would never ever lay against both the 4 and 10 at the same time. You are likely to get hit on one of those, you're better off betting ONE of those for $71 to win $34. The only time I'm ever against both of those is thru the Don't Pass and Don't Come OR 2 Don't comes. Why is that so great? You get even money on them when they win! A far superior edge when they are established: obviously you will never win them all in a night, but it's possible. Just imagine what would happen if you got even money on all your lay bets on the 4 or 10 for every 7 that showed?

  7. I love this strategy bro, I'm going to Vegas in a few weeks going to try it out 100%

  8. Ok I'm a little confused I know if you want to shoot you have to place min bet on the pass line or dont pass. But how do you figure you win on the 4 and 10. On a seven out.

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