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LET IT ROLL is for Beginners Intermediate or Advanced Players that would like to learn, share or give me some advice. Its a place for all to enjoy each others knowledge and input.
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Wednesdays – Play the Monday strategy out live from home
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-1st and 3rd Sunday of each Month – Real craps video from casino
Pre-recorded live table craps
-1 live stream with me from my monthly casino trip. I will give an update of how I am doing up to that point and also hang out with members for an hour doing what ever they want me to do. (walk the town) (play bubble craps or other electronic games, slots, roulette so on)
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LET IT ROLL is for Beginners Intermediate or Advanced Players that would like to learn, share or give me some advice. Its a place for all to enjoy each others knowledge and input.
Mondays – Strategies
Tuesdays – Bubble Craps videos from the casino (WHEN AVAILABLE)
Wednesdays – Play the Monday strategy out live from home
Thursdays – Real craps video from casino Pre-recorded live table craps. (WHEN AVAILABLE)
-1st and 3rd Sunday of each Month – Real craps video from casino
Pre-recorded live table craps
-1 live stream with me from my monthly casino trip. I will give an update of how I am doing up to that point and also hang out with members for an hour doing what ever they want me to do. (walk the town) (play bubble craps or other electronic games, slots, roulette so on)
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Source: YouTube

Not a bad idea to start off. I would work on the Come Out after a 7.
Thanks Rick. A great explanation of this strategy.
This has long been my favorite strategy. My buddies tell me I’m losing money because my field bets pay less income less frequency. I have demonstrated to them over and over how in the long run I win much more than they do. However on my first hit I do put up a five and leave it up until I lose it. In other words and the first shooter I’m only getting one score. On every shooter after that I go down after two scores and 6&8 The table minimum
Just a thought. If you are at a 15 dollar table and want to play the inside, why not hop the 5 or nine for 2 or 4 depending on how you feel. That way you only put 51 plus 2 or 4 for the hop and keep a few dollars in your rack. At 3 units each you still rack 19 with a hit and 2 dollar hop. Of course you do lose 2 or 4 on 4, 10 or horn number, but it will give you protection on that 7 after 2 hits.
are you live on the come out?
This has long been the strategy I use and earn a very good living. If I may suggest one alteration to the way you’re playing it. Take your first hit and use that money to place the five. That way you’re placing the five with winnings then proceed. I placed the six and eight for 42 each with 25 in the field. Like you I take two hits and then regress. If it’s a random shooter I regress to the table minimum and place only the six and eight. From there I pressing collect and either either stack the six and eight or spread using my winnings. To avoid 7 outs during the course of the day I also don’t play for the first roll after a point is established. I then play the following two rolls. Yes I get caught on the two shot shaker bakers but I get to stand there and watch when everyone else point 7 outs. Playing this way I never get caught on a point 7 out. I do this because the casino I play at I’m up against a lot of random rollers.
Nice vid Rick. Ever thought about a lay bet to hedge the 7? If your dice seldom rolls say, a 4, you might lay 200. Just a thought. Btw, like your live vids. Always working on a new wrinkle lol
Just wanted to add one point to my previous message. The money you spend on continually hopping the five you may as well place it after you get your first hit using winnings.
Hop bets are for suckers.
Absolute grind