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In this video, syndicated gaming writer, John Grochowski, discusses five important things every slot player should know. Topics covered include: you are betting more money than you realize; past results do not affect future outcomes; higher denomination machines have higher paybacks; on video slots you don’t have to always bet maximum coins to get the maximum payback; and on progressive machines, always bet the amount needed to be eligible for the jackpot.
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I use to win in the casinos but lately. I can't win anything. I think they tightened their slot machines.
In Oklahoma the first thing you should know is the machines are rigged in the casinos favor and they don't have to show proof or answer to anyone
Why are so many people acting as if they are informing others that slot machines are a losing proposition. Everyone already knows this. You need to understand that people play slots for entertainment, as a hobby. Because someone likes to golf on Saturday's, and pays $200 in green fees and for a cart, then spends another $50 in the clubhouse having drinks with friends, we tend to accept the notion that it is not waste of money, but rather the person is pursuing free time interests. It is the same thing for people who enjoy playing slots. It is just another hobby, they go with friends and have drinks and have a good time, and sometimes they do win. Hopefully this will help stop all the snarly comments.
Steve I have been studying Mega Bucks , it’s Not Random, again the mainframe computer will produce a major Jackpot win in a particular Casino at a particular time of day in a particular Machine . Not Random
First time as a slot player I lost 5 times in a row with my second time going I never win.I need to bet more and if I win a lot I'll never come back That's on life
The way video slots usualy go for me is either non stop losses or non stop bonus plays. Its always one or the other
I don’t trust anyone sitting in an empty casino giving advice. This guy has to have a relationship or interest with the casino. Who is he really?
What's the correct way to think of multi-line games? Do they pay out at a higher rate? Or are you just compressing your playing experience playing 3/5/50 lines at a time?
Nothing was mentioned about the server-based machines where the casinos can change the payouts!
After roughly 5-10 spins on 1 machine, I'll switch to another. Better odds if you hop around then stay on the same machine for hours.