Craps Tips Video Source:
Learn how to deal craps with Jay Shapiro
Source: YouTube

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Yay! Two really smart and interesting people breaking it down.
When someone with looks similar to Heather shows up at your table, resist the urge to short stick. 😛
Good to see you two . After I bought my house Near Green Valley ranch , I have only been to the Casino One time . I played craps with my friend that drove my car out for me , he won over $400 , I lost $75 .. to me that was a great night !! We did eat the buffet a few times also . I'm in the cold wet icy mid west , I want to get back to the nice weather SOON !! BTW , he won mostly on come bets & one guy held the dice for a long time , I lost because I kept thinking > > no way this will last .. it did !! HA! I never play come bets , I play the don't come after 3 – 4 rolls now & then . We went to Blackhawk in Colorado , years ago , I won & held the dice ( won a shirt for the long roll ) & he lost all his chips . He wanted to leave , I gave him $30 ++ to have fun with , he won back a good bit of his cash . That trip to Colorado , I had the same amount of cash in my pocket when I got home as I left with , a good time was had by all !!
Craps dealers are the most amazing. So much they keep track of, and during the madness invoked by players hands coming in and out of the area, LOTS of them, in a frenzy. Then they have to get it right when a roll destroys stacks. Some hard rolls cause nuclear destruction, but they stunningly put it all back together right, it seems. Then you have things like instead of just calculating point payouts and odds payouts they'll do things like, instead of paying 21, throw a green and white and say "you owe me five". Of course in isolation that sounds like no big deal but it's just one more thing to keep track of in the madness. And with LOTS of players – I don't care how many dealers there are, it's breathtaking how much each of them keep up with. I'm in awe of craps dealers at a full table. Awe. Like no one else.
Except the stick man! I suppose he has monitoring and other responsibilities between the sticking, but his job looks one one millionth of the others'.
If I go to hell they're going to make me play Trivial Pursuit against Jay Shapiro.
I'm only 16. And i want to become dealer when i grow up. Should i exercise or just wait?
When I went through my class, it was only for 4 hours a day/3 days a week/6 weeks. It was an intense class but you learned the basics, payouts and some press moves. I always tell new dice dealers that I’ve been taken off the game multiple times because things got too slow and I never took it personally.
Hi Heather & Jay! The dynamic duo! You guys look great. Craps not my game but love watching your show.
Played craps for the first time recently… bought-in for $250, left with $500 a couple hours later. Can't wait to get back and see if that was beginner's luck or if I actually knew what I was doing.
Gotta catch jay at his casino! Good show…