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Casino gambling expert, Steve Bourie, gives one easy tip to increase your players club benefits. Topics covered include: how casinos calculate your expected Average Daily Theoretical loss, how to increase your comps and freeplay benefits without betting any extra money, why you shouldn’t always use your players club card and more!
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since learn how to play video poker I been making money so no loses what do do if don't lose in consino
Slightly confused here is the total amount wagered determined by cashing in and out or by adding all of your bets together.
Can we get a plain answer here by chance? I am going to use slots as an example here as they give the best comps and that is exactly what this video is about… Assume we are using the exact same bankroll and going to just 1 casino, is it better to spend 1 day at the casino betting $3.00 a spin or is it better to spread out the bankroll over a few weeks betting $0.40 a spin? It sounds like you're saying spending 1 day at the casino and going big is the best option.
I was told that casinos dont watch the money you spend but the length of your visit because not everyone uses their card ALL of the time. So it wold be bad to play multiple times a day every day? Say for instance I played 20 on my card in the AM and 20 in the PM. How do they know I havent gambled 100 in between?
Just for clarification, when a casino calculates your ADT, “daily” refers to your loss per gaming day and not 365 days a year “daily” correct?
If you dont play at all wouldnt that put your adt at $0?
People only lose like 10% of their bets on slot machines, really? Maybe it's just me, but on the few occasions I've seen people playing anything(I don't frequent casinos often), they always seem to leave completely broke.
I mean, if you didn't know any better you would think the goal is to lose all your money, it's only then that most people leave.
Hi. It’s me again 😁Im in Vegas every couple of months (I live close, San Diego). Most of the time, the host will cómp whatever I charge to my room. On the RARE occasion that I leave Vegas a winner, they will not do it. They say “you won this trip”. Yeah, but what about the last 10 trips that I lost thousands. Oh and one more thing I’d like to point out. Anyone here that plays at CET properties, make sure you deplete ALL of you points before asking for comps. One time they agreed to waive all of my charges at the end of the trip, when I went to my local Harrahs a couple of weeks later, I tried to use my points and I had none.
omg I only get $5.00 I goto every 2 weeks, I sent $150 at Horseshoe in Hammond Indiana they are cheating out of money too
Such valuable info !! Please keep these videos coming. Thank you for all you do! You've really helped me. I have earned free comp's and free play and better rooms at my hotel than I could have imagined – thanks to your videos!