Craps Tips Video Source:
John Patrick’s Super Craps for the expert player
Source: YouTube

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Very rude and unprofessional gambling video. Do you notice, how John Patrick talks down to you as the viewer and player. A professional instructor would teach you, step-by-step instructions on how to learn the game and win, without being sarcastic and rude toward you, like John does. There are many excellent professional gambling videos in the marketplace, that teach you the game and how to win, and would be considered a professional production video with better camera and sound, etc..
he talks down to you because you are a loser
Any positive comments you find here are planted by Patrick's people. He's a fraud. He makes his living praying on the public. He makes no money using his phony gambling systems.
This guy is a fraud.
Some of the BEST advice you can learn. The Come bet is NOT a good bet period.
Any of you guys criticizing John have absolutely no idea what you're talking about! This was absolute trailblazing advice at the time it came out. A matter of fact, everything he says still holds true today!
He makes zero claims about making millions gambling, he explains the games basic theories with complete precision, teaches money mgmt, and how to enjoy gambling without being a complete degenerate!
What's wrong with that?!
For your Craps & Dice setting SUPER package with ALL four lessons check out the Craps Super package on u-tube. Click Garrison for all of the clips.
To be in the top 5% of all shooters you need your Craps & Dice setting SUPER package. Explains everything you need to know to be that expert player and play from BOTH sides of the table. You receive the best book ever written on craps by John ( over 350 pages) over four hours on instruction by John on DVD's the complete Dice setting package and five dice setting strategy card you can use right in the casino. This is a $249 package for only $100 ( plus shipping) This package will put you in the top 5% of all shooters at the table, guaranteed. Call 702-487-5223 and we can talk. Good luck at the tables, Garrison P.S. We ship out the same day Priority 2-day mail. Yes, we know you want this information ASAP. We understand. Call 702-487-5223 and we can talk.
If you are looking for the HOLY GRAIL IN CRAPS this is it. YOUR Craps and dice setting SUPER package has John's book ( over 350 pages) Over FOUR HOURS of instruction on DVD The complete Dice setting package, Five Dice setting Strategy Card and additional information. To Order your Craps and Dice setting SUPER Package call 702-487-5223 and look up the Dice setting clips by Garrison. Go to "Dice setting UPDATE" for the Do sets and "Dice setting Don't" for the Don't sets. A $249 value for only $100 ( Plus shipping) This is the total and complete Craps & Dice setting package available anywhere in the world. Call the office 702-487-5223 and we can talk. Good luck at the tables. Garrison Las Vegas.