Thank You Hawaii Craps Shooters

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Some helpful tips about your craps rig. Want to give a shout out to Money Shot And Chad for helping me get my dice rig set up the right way.

Source: YouTube

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Thank You Hawaii Craps Shooters

10 thoughts on “Thank You Hawaii Craps Shooters

  1. Hey Robert, I appreciate you taking the initiative to make the adjustments to take your game to the next level. I know for sure your dedication will produce positive results at the casino. Good luck and long rolls. Thanks for this video.

  2. I’m just a beginner really to craps. I’m usually a ten to fifteen minutes tosser. My longest roll was 56. I traveled to all 48 states in America. I’m 5’9 and noticed that not all tables are the same height. Table being regulation and all but the floor in some places is off. They will claim it’s for leveling the table. But when you feel a roll with your feet I’m not sure. So I’ve adapted my toss from my elbow not my shoulder. I would love to come toss bones with UTubers. My RLJ keeps me from going to casinos. I drive with the wife 6000 miles weekly. So time off is scarce.

  3. Craps for life. thank you , thank you, thank you. Just fixed mine and you are right sir, great tip and again thank you!!!!!!!!!

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