Craps Tips Video Source:
Steve Bourie, author of the American Casino Guide, interviewed syndicated gaming writer John Grochowski for this video where John gives his picks for the five worst bets in a casino. Games covered include: keno, slots, baccarat, craps and the big six wheel.
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Source: YouTube

Wait, how does that Wheel one work? Casino I goto doesn't have it
your statement that the payouts on video keno , can you explain further?
why isnt this guy nailed to the wheel?!
24 hours a day, 365 days a year…it plays an endless series of wargames
every boody lose
the best rule of thumb for ALL casino games (at least tables) … if the payout odds are printed or displayed anywhere "it is a BAD bet"
wow all these games have great odds! (I play lottery scratchers)
3 card Poker Is The Best Game.
What is the house edge when the player 'hops' the 7's for a buck on the 3-4, 5-3, 6-1 ? Each one of those pays 15 to 1
insurance on blackjack is the worst bet