The Golden Touch Craps Class: In the Presence of Craps Legends!

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Last week I had the opportunity to take the Golden Touch Craps course. While I can’t go into much detail, I can say that the course lived up to, and exceeded my expectations! I have to admit to being a bit of a fan boy and star struck with all the legends I met last weekend.

If you’ve ever thought about taking a class on craps, take a look at the YouTube videos from Golden Touch Craps. Give them a call and see if its the right course for you!

Source: YouTube

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The Golden Touch Craps Class:  In the Presence of Craps Legends!

10 thoughts on “The Golden Touch Craps Class: In the Presence of Craps Legends!

  1. Nice!!! I'm sure some Amazing Insight and Great Craps Memories for ya too!!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing your experiences….really appreciated๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŽฒ

  3. Great report David! Exactly what I was hoping to hear about the class! Now I have to figure out a way to go!!

  4. Dom and the crew are a great bunch of people. I took the course many (and I mean MANY) years ago and I am still reaping the rewards of their knowledge! I stopped playing for a couple years (work and lack of free money) and then after a medical occurrence mid last year I decided to get back to things I enjoy. My shot was a mess. But the lessons they taught me so long ago came back into my mind. So now after about 4-5 months of getting back into practice, I am having rolls easily from mid to upper 20's with a handful in the 30's. Still not quite as good as a few years ago but I'm pleased with the results. I won't go into strategy right here but knowing that I at least get one place bet hit after going up on a point, I'm able to make a profit from the one hit and work with the profit.

    This is all possible because of the lessons Dom/Frank and GTC taught me years ago. I would recommend anyone that is serious about being a shooter spend the money and take the course. You'll spend a little now but well make it back in years to come (or even less). Just wanted to share.

  5. To did you do both Dom and Tony Leo? Because i thought i heard say in another video you took a Tony class. How much was it? I am a bit jelly right now

  6. Great trip report David, sounds like you learned a lot and had fun in the process.

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