Top 10 Mistakes Slot Machine Players Make with Mike “Wizard of Odds” Shackleford – part one

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Part one of a two-part video where Mike Shackleford, also known as the “Wizard of Odds” gives his top 10 list of mistakes that slot machine players make. Topics covered include: playing slots in the first place; playing in “tight” casinos; overplaying; playing participation slots; and not using a players card. Mike’s web site is

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Top 10 Mistakes Slot Machine Players Make with Mike “Wizard of Odds” Shackleford – part one

10 thoughts on “Top 10 Mistakes Slot Machine Players Make with Mike “Wizard of Odds” Shackleford – part one

  1. Guaranteed way to lose and have a frown as you lose is to stay too long .

    If you're up any amount that rings your bell, leave and leave gambling for the whole day.

    Enjoy your life, doing tourist stuff, xxy stuff or if you're not on vaca' just get the wash done, the car washed, or take the kids to a movie,

    ballgame or swimming.

    Budget! Plan ahead and only take and spend your


    Forget borrowing from a friend or spouse or ATM.

    EXPERTISE at your game counts,, use a bit of brains and don't play stupidly making childish moves, in craps, or card games.

    Roulette, commonly thought to be a dumb game to play, is one of the best smartest games to play if you are PATIENT!!

    –Formerly hot numbers, stop hitting and cold numbers ALWAYS heat up, because over a day or two all numbers will hit evenly!

    Am I right or wrong!! ??

    So watch carefully over 2-5 hours and then strike !!

    Perhaps the numbers 4-6 and 9 have been cold and are starting to hit a few times.

    PUT YOUR MONEY ON THE 2 STREETS 456, 789 with a small wager you cover 9 numbers, nine SOON TO BE HOT numbers.


    — If black has hit 20/25 spins you don't have to be a genius to know to put small bets ON RED.

    Am I right? Or wrong?

  2. End of the world with this wicked generation repent before its too late 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  3. Like all comments below. #1 mistake is playing slots. If u must play slots, drink black coffee incessantly first, then sit next to an old chain smoking person on oxygen, then if u win , they won’t be able to punch you. And if u lose , u say ‘love it’ , I don’t smoke and I’m not on oxygen 👍👍👍. U just won 🎰🎰🎰

  4. If you want to convert people, you'll have to show the slots "Out of Funds" alert… not the wins or bonus triggers.

  5. Hey mike or Steve if you see this I may not have converted from slots to video poker but you kept me from slots before I could start playing them which better in my opinion. Thanks

  6. Uggh.. Your advice is good but if you don't educate people on the percentages a slot will pay out people won 't understand…. I made more money at the airport leaving vegas than i did the whole week i was on the strip and old vegas.

  7. That's funny his say first thing, don't play slots, but every time I play slots, I win everytime, just last weekend I won the jackpot for $1800!!!

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