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Greg. I agree with your theories in this video 1000%.
I do need to critique a few things that will keep everyone in harmony.
You used a bankroll of $1000
Doing proper money management is very important. I teach the player can not bet more than 10 percent of their total bankroll if they are use their whole bankroll as one session.
I also teach that the player should break their bankroll into a minimum of three sessions.
So with $1000 the player can have a starting range from $100 – $333.
I am agreeing with you that risking $640 out of $1000 is insane and dumb!
Next little thing is Across VS Inside.
I am Not a fan of betting across at first. I do Not have a problem with betting across after the inside is paid for.
Last little thing (for now 😉).
I recommend one or two hits and Regress to lower than the total just won,
Instead of one or two hits and Off or”take me down”.
I want the player to be a consistent winner by locking up a profit, then I want the player to be looking for and capitalizing on the long run.. (Each short run has the same things done as the long run.)
By teaching pressing Up to the half press for all future hits, the player puts themselves in a win win situation again making them a consistent winner!
Just a little clarification
Thanks for the shout out!
Exposure triangle = good stuff
Thanks 5’s, really enjoying your content. Your insight into the game here regarding roll number exposure and dollar exposure is something we do not hear often enough. I can only imagine how hard it is to narrate, play, deal and film all at the same time, so no criticism of your presentation, just a suggestion that you show the dice outcome. Unfortunately the camera did not catch a good look at a lot of the roll results before you inadvertantly shuffled them with the stick. I did not doubt your calls, but there are trolls out there that will make nasty comments. Please keep the good content coming. Cheers Rob
Thank you 5s. Good explanation about exposure. Especially important for us new players. I have been watching and learning at my local tribal casino playing conservatively while picking up knowledge and practicing my throws.
I have become curious about a betting strategy I have seen a couple of regular guys playing. They place the 6 & 8 and buy the 4 & 10, skipping the 5/9. It is a $5 table and we can buy the point starting at $15. Better payouts without playing across all numbers. (Limiting exposure) Does this make sense with the math?
great first vid 555 math perspective you give i like ddp1
Loved the the comparison to fighting Andre The Giant. Keep the videos coming 5’s.
Yes, I like Skill-n-Luck. I like the 110, 220 , 330, 440 inside… hit and down or regress. On a $5, it would be regress to 22, 44, 66, and 88 respectively….then, I think at least a partial press is roll is a good one.. Thanks again 5's…..looking good!
Thats why one has to continuously practice tossing the dice and minimize their initial exposure so the can do to Andre the Giant what David did to Goliath.
Great demonstration 555 of the 3 main factors that will definitely impact the light side better.
I personally like the 60 6/8 one hit and take down to 30 6/8. Then get in the come for 1 or 2 rolls, hopefully getting a come bet to move to a six or eight and use the place bet winnings to take some odds. The come bet gives you a bit of protection against the 7. Keep up the great work and insightful content.
The one and done is an irresponsible bet. Risking $640 to win at best $200? Place bettors won't listen to your common sense lessons. They think they can overcome the odds and HA with their DI abilities.