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We are doing some interactive hand analysis in this poker vlog episode. These are real hand histories from 3 different students that I coached at the 1/2 NL holdem level. Take part in the hand analysis and offer your thoughts and feedback before hearing my thoughts.
I think each of these $1/$2 NLHE hands are interesting and we can learn from them.
Hand 1 – 01:09
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Source: YouTube

Hand 1 – 01:09
Share your thoughts and feedback in the comments!
First hans Albert triple barrelled a station. Ive tried this before. IT dont work!! If theatre that stuck u gotta give up after the flop. And just 3 barrel when you have a weak or smart enough player that will fold their weaker holdings to a 3 barrel. Sometimes bet flop check turn bet river works if they are chasers. Chasers just wanna see one more card and will never fold the turn with possibilities but will happily fold to a moderate bet once they miss they're outs.
Pre flop bet is ok,flop bet is ok,turn should have checked back,River should have checked or folded. Hand # 1
Beast man! Keep postin' 'em!
Hey Brian. I want to see more of this. It's good stuff. Thanks.
Hand 1 is a give up on flop turn and especially river no real draws on flop.. I’ve done similar knowing nobody folds and against a falling station. It’s so tempting when villain shows weakness on every street.
Hand 2 fold pre but as played fold river
Hand 3 i might have raised pre and cbet flop but as played I check flop. The irony in this hand is hero’s line seems to maximize value. Perhaps a raise pre knocks out the 54o or the 93cc or top pair that pays off. KJ is a good hand to check in bb pre bc you don’t want to bloat a pot out of position w a hand that plays better multi-way and will be dominated very often when someone calls a raise w KQ or AJ or even JJ
Good video! Curious what legalized gambling is going to have on the live tables now that poker will be allowed online in Michigan
Love this format B. Good video. Your students will never beat the 1/2 rake limping and calling pre flop. These pots need to reach the rake cap as quickly as possible so we can play for rake free $. Hammer this into tour students heads.
Great video I like this concept, so I would like to see more. As soon as you said J 4 off called the $1 I smh and knew what was going to happen lol Usually you flop 2 pair or turn 2 pair and lose more when you do this!! The last hand I mix up my strategy on what I do pre and on that flop. There are times I raise pre and other times I check to see the flop….same when I flop a flush draw….sometimes I bet them other times I check….obv. depends on the opponents on what you do in both spots. Most of the people at my casino are locals and we know each other pretty well, so I gotta mix up my play to keep them guessing as well
Which one is my hand? I can’t remember.