Learn Poker Video Source & Info:
Learn how to play different types of poker games, including Chicago hi-low poker, in this free video series that will teach you many of the popular styles of poker.
Expert: Johnny Ferrell
Contact: www.luckyacespokertables.com
Bio: Johnny Ferrell is the founder of Lucky Aces Custom Poker Tables has been an avid poker player for close to ten years.
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz
Source: YouTube

can player take a look at there first 2 cards? or players waits until the 4 face up card and 1 face down card dealt before they can take a look at there 2 hole card.. is Fold,Call,Raise, included on playing chicago hi-low.. or till the last hole 1 hole card revealed.. or i should say from start to end>? waiting for your kindly response.. thank you..
in italiano tradurre no ?
I've been playing what I thought was "chicago" for 20 years, but it's nothing like this. We play regular poker with everyone being dealt 5 cards, 2-3 changes depending on the number of players, and then each player plays every card and the player who wins the last card wins 5 points. After every change the player with the best hand is awarded with points. (Pair=1, Two pair=2, Three of a kind=3 and so on). You keep going until someone is at 52 points (at the start) and then wins the last card when playing out all the cards. At any time you may say "chicago" which means you must win every card when playing them all out, following suit and having the highest value. That earns you 15 points and nothing else counts for that round. If you lose you get -15 points. Sorry for not knowing all the terms, I'm not english speaking.