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We don’t claim to be a poker coach, but these are our attempts to learn how to bluff in poker!
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Source: YouTube

Why do you have more Ace in your range?
You never bluff because you have no idea how to even play.
No, you don't have to show biggest mistake
Nice good job.
Suppose to bet turn
I like to semi bluff that club draw on the turn cause you'd be surprise how many people will fold either the turn or river If you bluff and makes the river more believable plus you have outs to the flush
Gotta love when bluffing pays off
I wouldn't have showed them bad 🤦
Check back was great on the turn. Even if you hit your flush, it's a bad flush and there are board available easily.
Now the bluff raise worked great in this instance, but I think a competent player could call you profitability with quite a bit of his range JT+, 22+,Ax, 23-A3, 54, I feel like I'm missing a few holdings there. But regardless now what percentage of his range is calling out of the SB, flatting the flop and then lead river. (Checking turn is irrelevant as 95% of players don't have a donk range at these stakes unless they are very good fish.)
Now if he is calling pre then flop without a pair, I would expect at least an A or K in his hand. Now you obviously can include 2-TT if we assume a 3bet from JJ+. Those are the obvious hands,. I'm wondering if villain throws in connectors from 65-AK, then bluff with a large portion on the river as only a few(2) have any value.
Overall adding the hands up, I think a bluff raise is probably not super profitable in the long run, but you read this situation correct and made what appeared to be the perfect plays at the correct time.