Learn Poker Video Source & Info:
In tonight’s The Nightly Grinder Poker Vlog, I tell you how you can win a free poker course with my new free poker course promotion! I’m giving away tons of free poker courses…watch the video to learn how!
I then dive into a 20 minute 5nl live poker session on Ignition Casino Poker showing you how to play winning micro stakes poker.
Watch this video if you want to learn how to become good at poker!
To Enter The MicroGrinder Poker School Nightly Grinder Poker Vlog Free Course Giveaway Promotion, click on the link below & fill out the form:
MicroGrinder Poker School
Poker School with free poker training, poker tips, poker vlog focusing on helping beginning and struggling poker players learn how to become a good poker player focusing on micro stakes cash game strategy.
Music by ArgoFox: From The Dust – Weightless
Visit MicroGrinder.com for more details.
Enroll into our free 6 Steps to Profitable Poker Course and get our Poker Fundamentals eBook 100% free!
***Read Amazon.com’s #1 Best Selling Poker Book***
Essential Poker Math For No Limit Hold’em:
***Content with Us***
Visit Our Website: http://www.microgrinder.com
Visit Our Poker School: http://pokerschool.microgrinder.com
Like Our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/microgrinderpoker
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Subscribe 4 Free Videos: http://bit.ly/1LCTSVb
***About MicroGrinder Poker School***
Free Poker Training Videos
We understand beginning, struggling and micro stakes poker players have a limited bankroll and are prudent with their money. That is why our poker school is low-priced with you in mind, with several free courses too!
Affordable Poker School
We understand beginning, struggling and micro stakes poker players have a limited bankroll and are prudent with their money. That is why our poker school is low-priced with you in mind, with several free courses too!
Free Poker Strategy Articles
We provide you free poker training articles to help you improve your game. Our articles are short, valuable nuggets of wisdom designed to help beginning and struggling poker players.
Best-Selling Poker Books
We also offer some amazing poker books, including Amazon.com’s #1 best selling poker book, Essential Poker Math! What’s even better is that our books are low-cost starting at $2.99!
Our Origins
MicroGrinder.com was originally started in 2014 by Alton Hardin as a dedicated micro stakes cash game study group as a means to quickly and efficiently improving his poker game. In a matter of months it quickly morphed into a dedicated micro stakes community with a dedicated Skype study group, micro stakes forum, and free training material. As the months passed, members came and went from the world of micro stakes, as they commonly do; however, Alton was dedicated to continue to evolve MicroGrinder. From 2014 – 2015, Alton had drastically improved his poker game to the point where he was developing poker training content on YouTube, Udemy.com, Amazon and MicroGrinder.com for fellow micro stakes poker players.
Our Mission
Today Alton is dedicated to continue that path with MicroGrinder Poker School, continuing to write poker strategy articles, best-selling poker books, and poker training courses all geared towards beginning and struggling micro stakes poker players at an affordable price. Currently Alton has produced three poker books, six poker courses, numerous poker strategy articles and over 85 free YouTube poker strategy videos.
Please watch: “Big Changes Happening at The MicroGrinder Poker School YouTube Channel!”
Source: YouTube

ruben mertens / ps:raiserke21
email rubenmertens2@gmail.com
Why did you disable the like/dislike bar?
Damn. You get good cards! lol You really are running good it seems! Thank you very much Alton for all you do for us!!
Cannot read your HUD as it is too fuzzy…at least it is on my screen. Pity would like to follow these.
Question about the HUD. I use PT4 & Bovada/Ignition card catcher as well. Do you have to reposition all of your hud stats on every new table you join? I haven't been able to get P1 stats next to P1 & so on, automatically.
there we go. just subscribed! your videos area awesome, thx!