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Source: YouTube

What did he put you on when the river came? 😅
I just dont know but why u spend that 10$ sorry im just asking
Luv the mudkip🤣
se ele tivesse um 7 ou duas cartas de paus meu deus cara, como esse cara é sortudo kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk jogou na loucura essa mão
He def had an ace with a garbage kicker, stop playing A3 A4 A5 etc especially if it's not suited
Why does he put that thing on his cards?
Yeah but you folded a fullhouse jack😂
Gotta be a table of bums… how was he still calling😂
Bets were too small, you're pricing him in with his draws. Not exactly max value.
Bruh should have gone all in after checking all game to bluff him if he got nothing instead of free charity 😂