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The most important video you will ever watch on poker strategy – the triple threat (position, aggression, selection).
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Welcome to Get Stackin’ University! Build your foundation properly so that you can advanced techniques to your repertoire with ease. Core concepts: understanding position, understand odds and equity for all situations, The mathematics behind aggression and why it works! A must watch for poker fans 🙂
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Check This Out: “My Biggest Poker Win Ever!!!!!”
Source: YouTube

Very good info.
Very good information thanks!
Very interesting video 👍🏻
why can't players just realize it's the Random Number Generator. You can do all this stuff, and still not cash and all.
Information overload. Going to have to keep coming back to this video. Thank you!
Have a glass of water next time. The mouth sounds are a little cringe. (Thank God for Noise Gates)
(34:38) How is it possible to have a 37.0% chance of improving a set with a pocket pair on the flop, when you only 7 outs? The rule of 4 and 2 would suggest that the chances of improving such a hand must be somewhere about 28% (7*4=28)???
I fell asleep bro. Go Warriors!!
Best poker/Texas tutorial like this I have seen to far! Would be great to be your neighbor, man. Lol Cheers and seriously well put together video with easy math/conversions/sts etc TY!!👍🏻👏🏻
So good and so simpel. Great video, very informative. Everebody can pick something good from it. Thanks