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Gus Hansen talks about how to play open face Chinese poker (OFCP) – Learn how to play the game, the rules, scoring and strategy with this simple guide from the Full Tilt Poker Professional Gus Hansen
Source: YouTube

this game looks really fun to play
Checkout the OFC Fantasyland Calculator, an app that helps you play better OFC by arranging your cards for the fantasyland round:
why wouldnt he have put his 9 in the back and make a bigger full house, then put his two 8s in the middle??
Zero skill in this
lol….I am not that retarded yet to listen to Gus' strategies…….really not…..
looks like pai-gow
bad decision from her on the last hand, the 7 should have gone up top and she could have made a full house with the 2 and only be down 1 point.
This is almost like 13 cards Chinese poker, but the cards is not open for everyone to see.