Learn Poker Video Source & Info:
Join the PLO Mastermind: https://jnandezpoker.com/
2:14 – Consider the rake – it is your biggest enemy
2:40 – Play less hands facing raises and the big blind
3:05 – Don’t fall into the pot odds trap!
3:55 – Don’t limp from the small blind in high rake environments
4:30 – Raise tighter when limpers are involved
5:50 – Play straightforward in multiway pots
8:50 – Pay attention to bet sizing tells from recreational players
13:00 – Don’t overvalue low or medium rundowns in multiway pots
21:30 – Put your ego aside. Accept you have to overcome the rake too.
23:25 – In multiway pots, ask yourself “can I make the nuts”?
23:50 – Don’t Limp!
24:10 – Have high standards for betting or continuing postflop in multiway pots
PLO Mastermind: https://jnandezpoker.com
Discord chat: https://discord.gg/5uPWStQ
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/jnandezpoker
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jnandezpoker
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jnandezpoker
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jnandezpoker
Source: YouTube

What are your biggest struggles with lower stakes PLO games?
Before Cardi b there was nando wit okurrr
Incredibly helpful. Thanks, JN!
Im ussually a Holdem player. But ive been doing some PL omaha on the side. I really liked this video. Very very informative.
Hi friend , I will start playing on unibet plo tomorrow , and there is the oposite, at micro stakes the rake is 1% then 3% at low stakes , and 6% at mid high stakes , should I play more hands there then ? Even at nl4 ?
Pokerstars no rakeback high rake plo25. Fukk off. Go to party or rio
You hit it today….I see that I'm too loose pre and too sticky post! Thanks for the knowledge Bro
Another “Nandez Nugget” in this vid. Priceless wisdom. Thank you 🙏
"They are afraid of getting outdrawn" Yup That explains me. The reason why is that 80% of the hands I have lost are because I've slow played and gotten drawn out on. Frustrating at low stakes. As a matter of facts, right NOW my set of 2s got drawn out by a badty backdoor straight in PLO. He had nothing but a loveing low pair on the flop. THIS is why I bet big all the time!!! Never slow play!!!!!!
Does it bother anybody else that he has so many chests to open on all his videos?? Open them!!