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Poker players reveal subtle messages about the strength of their hands in “tells” — telltale signs that sometimes mean they’re bluffing. This video shows you how to recognize the top ten bluffs your opponents may use when playing poker.
Source: YouTube
could go either way, they either have the nuts or nothing
Idd. Last week I had the nuts and someone asked how much I had in my stack. I was counting my chips and my hand was shaking so much it was even hard to count them. He folded though 🙁
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I don't think these works. I do all these things and I'm NOT Bluffing!!!
This gives the wrong impression. These are all valid tells (seem clearly taken from Caro's list) but some suggest strength, and some suggest weakness. The line at the end that says, "if you see any of these, they're probably bluffing." is where the video becomes inaccurate. They're all valuable sources of info, but read up on what each one means.
Nope. Genuine shaking almost always means big.
which is kind of bluffing, if you dont bet a lot
can be both, i for an example, always shake
i wish that chicks will look at me like this
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Its important to be comfortable with uncertainty.