Learn Poker Video Source & Info:
Lead Instructor Evan from Gripsed.com discusses the theory behind bluffing in poker. Learn how to not only take down pots with nothing but how to get paid more on your good hands. This lesson examines the different types of opponents you will run into and how you should adjust your bluffing strategy according to each one. We will also discuss opponents bluffing strategies and how you can adjust so that you can start making hero calls at the optimal time.
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Check This Out: “My Biggest Poker Win Ever!!!!!”
Source: YouTube

Well if we would only play the nuts, wouldn't we lose longterm to the blinds?
I just tested this. I know it's old as bad..but it kinda work at least first time haha
What's the distinction between weak tight and a nit? Thanks.
I am a tag heur.
todays fish are a whole different breed!
a donkey would kick you if it could and/or you let it kick, better to be a mule that knows how to kick
bluff of a century ill tell yeah
Great job as always!
your videos are great,but please move youre mic away when you swallow your spit
"I almost never see a donk leave a game with more than zero dollars" lmao so true. Letting a donk hang them self is one of the best things in poker