Learn Poker Video Source & Info:
In this video, Bart discusses this pattern that will allow you to make big folds in live poker that are correct. This is an important concept to be aware of if you want to make consistent profits in live poker.
at 11:03 Article Bart wrote referenced in the video about “negative equity slowplay” — https://crushlivepoker.com/articles/slowplaying
0:00 — Intro
1:34 — Preflop
2:28 — Flop
5:24 — Turn
7:42— River
8:50 — Pattern Introduced
9:32 — Hero Decision
10:17 — Reveal and Pattern Discussed
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Source: YouTube

Make sure to listen to the part at 8:52 and then the reveal at 10:17 and what the BB says.
I would cbet the flop $30. Can get called by gutshots with backdoor flush draw, or a Jack, or a pocket pair between 5 and 10. Especially at a "splashy" game like he said. I would slow play heads up, but with 3 other players in the hand, somebody likely caught some piece of this. And if everybody folds, so be it. Better to win a small pot than lose a big one.
Flop check is fine. Turn you have to look ahead and realize that BB may jam on you and that you're committed. If he shows you the straight then you can fold, but given he can also have a lower set or two pair you have to go with it.
Wtf was that?
I still like the check on the flop he just crushes the board. Of course that board kind of favors a late position call from a big blind.
I think he played it perfectly. he was way ahead so he checked the guy caught up he called one street and then folded when he was behind.
Is that tuff fish from back in the day??? It really sounds like him. I miss that guys tilting videos.
I don't get the hate for 4 color decks. People get so irate. I like them.
The best thing I've done for my poker game is simply putting money in when I think I'm ahead. People get too fancy.