Learn Poker Video Source & Info:
If you want to improve your poker skills during isolation, use coupon code STUCK50 to save $50 on the Upswing Lab training course: https://bit.ly/2yIueCM
Watch the PLO Mastery walk through: ★ http://bit.ly/2IeAaoz ★
Upswing Lab $49/month ($99 first month): ★ http://bit.ly/crushthelab ★
FREE preflop charts at Upswing: ★ http://bit.ly/FreeUpswingCharts ★
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My name is Hristivoje Pavlovic, known as ALLinPav on Twitch. I’m a 27yo Aussie Poker pro, currently living in Auckland, New Zealand. Follow my journey here: https://www.twitch.tv/allinpav
Streamed on: April 17!
#win #poker #tournament
Source: YouTube

Hello Pav,
I first started watching you on twitch in the early days. It's literally that long ago I can't remember. I do however remember how we were both scrubs, both attempting to conquer the hill and rise to the top of the cash streets. We battled a few times on both the felt and the Twitch chat but interestingly it was always your chat. I was too scared back then to stream on twitch, I also didn't have the belief that poker+twitch could be a full-time income for me.
I pursued other ventures to achieve the same goal of "not the 9-5" and it took me down a different path, but I always followed you and other streamers as a back seat viewer. During that time, we somehow ended up at the Venetian at the same time, but again, the same confidence issues to not ask to meet you. Even tho I was literally doing business upstairs and had the trip comped. Weird how life works.
The last few years watching you has never really been about the cards. For me, it's been more about watching your development as a streamer, a poker player, a professional, a business owner, and a man. The growth I've seen has been remarkable and I wanted to write this post to let you know how inspiring it is.
Let's face it, you've had a swingy year.
What I find fascinating is how quickly the haters pop up with there "advice" and "theories" and "reasons why you suck at GTO and exploitable strat wins" – all of which is clearly utter nonsense. What I cannot commend you enough for is the professionalism you have shown throughout. It takes balls to keep quiet and not fall into the trap of bade even though you know you are absolutely correct but current results dictate otherwise.
It's also hard to play poker at the insane level you are playing at now. Like I honestly am baffled at how well versed you are with the GTO ranges. The final hand in this duel was literally obscene. I would have played check/call turn. check/fold river because I'm an absolute scrub ahahah. The QTo is just magical, like who can honestly say with this much money on the line that they value jam river? If you say that and you haven't earned $100k+ I'm legit not listening.
I think people watching underestimate how skilled you have to be to win the tournament with 52 vs one pair hands. I hope people start to recognise that this is not dissimilar from watching Tiger Woods chip in on 16th at Augusta.
This exact tournament would be more like Tiger woods winning the Hawaii Classic, as it wasn't that significant, obviously.
But the approach is significant, and I want you to know Pav that you have inspired a young scrub like me to evolve from a broke loser to actually doing something with my life and getting paid money to do it. A lot of what I teach is directly from my analysis of your journey. I know these youtube trolls have zero ideas what it takes to do what you are doing, I know about the long nights, the worry, the bade, it hurts and to see you keep on trucking is world-class.
Thank you, Pav for being a trailblazer.
Thank YT comments for shredding me.
What's with the banal music in the background.
For us plebs we never hold 95% of the time, but for these winning players everything evens out and that's a major difference between being a winner and a loser. Theres no way this dude is better than me, yet his hands hold in the crucial times. Lucky account, I bet if I used his account and he used mine, I'd win big time and he wont do nothing on my account.
Sigue asi! Eres de gran inspiracion!
Could you tell me what you would do at 6:03 ? If the big blind player jammed ur flop bet ? Would you call or shove to isolate ?
Gratz, PAV) GG
you're a savage PAV
Nice score for sure but sheesh 9,300$ in buyins be careful.
I've been on a bit of a downswing, this was inspiring to watch. GG!