Poker Games : How to Play Poker: For Beginners

Learn Poker Video Source & Info:

Beginner poker players should play in groups of at least five, and each player’s goal should be to get the five best cards that they can get. Learn about betting strategies for poker with help from an experienced card and poker player in this free video on poker playing for beginners.

Expert: Jack Black
Bio: Black Jack has been dealing cards since he was a kid.
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz

Source: YouTube

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Poker Games : How to Play Poker: For Beginners

10 thoughts on “Poker Games : How to Play Poker: For Beginners

  1. So a flush can only be a flush if it's in the same suit or can it be in made up of other cards and in mixed suits too?

  2. Check out my YouTube channel will be playing games including poker already have one practice part of a game up:)

  3. No, you don't need mind altering substances to enjoy the game of poker, or any other activity for that matter. That just proves what an immature alcoholic you are.

  4. I'm not sure but ,if anyone else trying to find out learn how to play poker games try Jaffacter Poker Secrets Coach ( search on google ) ? Ive heard some great things about it and my friend got great success with it.

  5. I love that Black Jack is white lol sorry I'm high 🌲πŸ”₯πŸ’¨πŸ˜πŸ’¨πŸ‘ ohhh Yeeaaahh

  6. One thing I don't understand and I'm probably just stupid… If you have the most money, why not just bet it all every round so nobody can match you?

  7. interesting points ,if anyone else trying to find out best online poker tips try Jaffacter Poker Secrets Coach (should be on google have a look ) ? Ive heard some interesting things about it and my partner got excellent success with it.

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