Learn Poker Video Source & Info:
In this video you will see specific examples which will help you understand poker hands ranking better. From these examples you will be able to learn poker hands order. You will also increase your chances of winning by understanding poker hands probability and odds. After watching this video you will be able to react better in different situations and win the maximum amount of money from your opponents.
This is the link to this video:
If you are brand new to poker, it is recommended that you watch the following video first on how to play poker:
Source: YouTube

annoying British accent … not conducive for teaching / learning
Thank for the video
Now i can become a pro poker 🙂
silahkan berkunjung web kami-
disini kita memiliki web yang bagus untuk anak gamer… dimana pertama kalinya kami membuat game digemari anak gamer….
– add dong pin bb aku yah, buat penghasilan tambahan kalo gak ngapain" add pin:
7b578063 dan 2be2b9e0 silahkan di add yah… aku tunggu yah… ^.^
There's something wrong at 6:00. Player A has a pair of A's. He clearly has a better hand and it's not a draw
6:29 player a has a 2 pair why dont he win ?
I have a question if there is 23456 and i have 66 dose that main I have straight 2-6 ??????
Have you got to use your original cards. Your two cards against the 5 in the middle and make the best possible hand. But your two cards must be used
Congratulations. This video may help many players to improve their knowledge on poker hands, poker hand rankings, poker cards, poker rules and poker card ranking. The following site can be a solution for your poker doubts. https://www.pokerstellar.com/poker-hand-ranking
Thank you Great Video. Mikkel Nashville