8 thoughts on “Poker Night: How To Play 5 Card Stud The Correct Way

  1. My favorite game. The traditional way, And the correct way of playing 5 card stud. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Why would the other players have called all the way down with nothing? I know it's just meant to be an instructional video, but it would have been more instructional if it followed real world logic. It would be nice if you touched on the best sizing strategy a bit. Why did the dealer bet more on the river when he had the nuts? Wouldn't it have been smarter to bet bigger early on when you opponent still thinks they have a chance?

  3. I think dealer cheated pulled out my colt if they were invented at that time, if not grab a rope

  4. Wow this is shocking after that intro! You do not have a betting round with one down card SMH. You are dealt one card face down and one card face up then the first betting round starts. Geeessss!

  5. Doesn't the first betting interval happen after the second card is dealt? Or did they really bet on their hole cards alone back then?
    Base 5 card stud is (according to the 79th edition of official rules) No Ante, one face down(hole card), one face up, first betting interval, high card MUST start the pot not allowed to check, then another face up card, another betting interval, another face up card, another betting interval, final FACE UP card final betting betting interval, then the showdown.

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