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Join Matt Berkey and Christian Soto in this week’s episode where the duo takes a look back at week #1 of The World Series of Poker (online) as well as the impact streaming has had on uniting the community.
16:20 poker streaming
29:16 old school vs. new school poker players
40:31 Mike Matusow stream incident
52:36 the WSOP and other online tournaments
1:01:49 PokerGuru wins a bracelet / gambling stories / stream integrity
1:19:29 online poker tournament economy and its sustainability
1:27:38 ACR / what is fair in online poker data usage?
1:47:30 current state of Covid
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Check out our partners at Learn Pro Poker for deep insight on tournament poker.
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Source: YouTube

I think the beginning of your segment reminds me of how JJ from latb equates a balanced hosting style from table talk, evaluation of ranges and keeping chat entertained. Keep instilling dignity and sustainability towards the online ecosystem no matter where you go.
Great content – this series deserves to 10x its views
I'm ready for that 5 PERCENT!
Great podacast solve for why crew. Chin building a bear and Berkey reminding Tuchman that players will take ANY EDGE they can!
s4y greatest poker content out there… and baseball is the best sport.. no debate
As a friend once said to me, 40s. Perfect age. Old enough to date the mom. Young enough to date the daughter. π³
The only real way to get quick heard immunity at this point is to find a reliable vaccine. Variance could get us lucky. Itβs obvious that forcing the virus on the population is not a real option.
Letβs see some Chin Is It GTO!!!