Learn Poker Video Source & Info:
Zachary Elwood examines one of the more common and reliable poker tells: quick calls. If you like this video, you might like my poker tells video series: http://www.readingpokertells.video.
Immediate calls generally will indicate medium-strength hands or draws. This video examines some examples from televised poker footage and explains why most immediate calls show up the way they do. This content is taken from a poker tells seminar I did in Las Vegas in 2014 during the WSOP. Sorry about the darkness of the video; it had a minimal production budget.
Source: YouTube

When you have to refer to notes and stumble iver your words, you lost your credibility.
I've snap called premeditatedly. You can do this with either strong hands or bluffs. All you need is a little time to make this decision when your opponent is thinking.
I like to call snap calls … snappers .
Well, can't a player premeditate a snap call, as far as a certain range of a bet happens? Sure, there are spontaneous snap-calls, but the very fact that they exist makes them exploitable. I can wait for a bet, and while doing so decide in advance what's the range of the bet I would be calling with (provided the very act of betting doesn't provide any new information), and then, depending on the story I want to tell, I may decide to "snap call", even though I already thought it through. The desired effect is that I'm not interested in my opponent's hand because mine is too strong. So yeah, not all immediate calls are really immediate.
Great Video
1:45 — Most immediate calls include draws.
4:51 — I feel comfortable ruling out draws….
Good video…Great content…..but you need a new microphone….sounds like you recorded this in a bucket…
When i flop top set and someone bets into me i snap call. So….. hmmmmm.
Its incredible how hateful people get regarding poker, my guess is its related to the "know it all" mentality most amateur players have, and its actually quite great because they dont progress or do it much slower. Love your content, got all your books on audio!.
However, you can always tell if a person is actually thinking or pretending to think in the time that person takes to make an action