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Happy Thanksgiving everyone! If you want more high-level content like this to take your game to the next level, check out the PokerCoaching Black Friday Sale: https://pokercoaching.com/black-friday-2020
PokerCoaching.com has grown and now offers top-level coaching from myself, Jonathan Jaffe, Matt Affleck, Faraz Jaka, Michael Acevedo, Lexy Gavin, Tristan Wade, Alex Fitzgerald and Evan Jarvis!
Make sure to subscribe to watch the rest of this series as well as Poker Concept Videos, a Weekly Poker Hand Analysis, In-Depth Poker Strategy Videos, A Little Coffee, and much more!
Source: YouTube

Great video keep em coming !
Great stuff, thanks
With your help – im going to be the best player ever to come from hawaii, and will use my brain and your knowledge to finally change my life. Im grinding .1/.2 to get my bankroll and experience up. Ive already been offered to be staked at local games here. Im not a rich person, but im dedicated and hardworking. Sometimes It feels like Im not worthy of success, but im going to keep fighting. Thank you JL.
With the bluff with bottom pair I think the solver is turning 93 into a bluff because the 3 blocks pocket 3s and the 9 blocks T9 the most obvious trips. But shouldnt those be jammed preflop with the stack size?
Do the videos stay online after black Friday?
thanks!. Funny to see that the pro´s are also discussing about a lot of situations.