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The full article: https://automaticpoker.com/strategy/fastest-way-to-build-a-bankroll/
In my experience, building a bankroll from scratch is a pain in the you know what. It’s hard to take the lowest levels seriously when you are playing for nickel and dime-sized pots after buying in for less than the cost of a cheeseburger. This is especially true if you are used to playing for cheeseburger-sized blinds! In this video, I want to show you the fastest way possible to build a bankroll up from nothing to where you are able to make a decent hourly rate, say 100nl or 200nl. And the awesome thing is, you only have to make one simple change in your game to expedite your ascent up through the stakes. In fact, I used this exact method in a bankroll building challenge recently that started with $25 at 5NL and in only 25,000 hands I was playing mid-stakes.
First off, this video is not really for beginning players or anyone who struggles to beat the game, even though my method of playing poker could most likely help you improve faster. As a novice, building a cash game bankroll is more about progressing as a player and navigating the enormous learning curve en route to becoming a winning poker player. The speed at which a bankroll grows is secondary to learning. In fact, people often end up having enough in their bankroll to move up to a particular stake before their skill has progressed to the point where they can actually win at that level. In my experience, bankroll generally increases faster than skill.
So this video is more geared toward people who are already winning players and just have to rebuild for one reason or the other. Maybe you don’t have the money to put into poker right now because you took a shot at the nosebleeds and it didn’t work out, had to cash your entire bankroll out due to financial reasons, or perhaps you took a few months or years off from the game and are a returning player. Or, like me, you could just be doing it as a challenge. Regardless of the reason, you probably just want to build the bankroll as quickly as possible.
From what I have found, there really isn’t much good advice out there on building up a bankroll fast. The answer that most people or so-called gurus might give is for you to play more volume and then take reasonable shots at the next level often. Great, just what we need.. to burn ourselves out and increase our risk of ruin. Thanks a lot for the advice guys, but no thanks.
Now before going into too many details on my bankroll building advice, let’s look at a typical mainstream cash game bankroll management scheme similar what many players follow. Just for the purposes of this example, let’s say they start with $50.
5NL shot at $100, move down if you drop below $75
10NL shot at $200, move down if you drop below $150
25NL shot at $500, move down if you drop below $375
50NL shot at $1000, move down if you drop below $750
100NL shot at $2500, move down if you drop below $2000
200NL shot at $6000
When you are playing the micros, reaching mid stakes, or even small stakes can seem so far away it’s easy to be discouraged. Besides, who the hell wants to keep $6,000 or more in an often offshore online poker site nowadays??
There is a simple solution: now hear me out and please don’t insta-click away from this video when I give you my advice.
The simple way to build your bankroll many times faster while also not increasing your risk or ruin or burnout, is just buy in for less money.
I know. I know. Short stackers are scum, right? Everyone has hammered this idea into you since the first time you logged into a poker forum. But maybe, people who buy in for 50 big blinds or less are doing it for other reasons than to just piss everyone off.
And, in case you didn’t know, short stacking has evolved quite a bit since the early days. No longer is it about buying in for 10 or 20 big blinds and just relentlessly shoving all-in on people. In fact, profitable short stackers have been anything but shovebots over the last few years. 3-bet or 4-bet shoving is but one weapon in the arsenal of 30-50 big blind players.
The truth is, playing a short stack can be brilliant; if you forget the bad press they get and, instead, take a close look at the actual strategy itself. By taking the viewpoint that short stacking is simply an excellent tool to mitigate risk and achieve a larger hourly rate faster, all of the negative press begins to seem silly and the merit of buying in for less than the 100 big blinds becomes pretty clear.
That is not to say that there aren’t other advantages to playing a short stack. Decisions are typically much simpler in low SPR environments. There’s not so many complicated post-flop situations since most commitment decisions are made pre-flop or on the flop.
Now, gather those nickels, dimes, and quarters, and get out thre are start grinding it up! Good luck and thanks for watching.
Spare Change Challenge 1st Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oImYHWGZji4&t=3s
Source: YouTube

If your talking about online then the fastest way is to quit and start growing whatever the love is in the thumbnail for profit.. weather it be tulips or sunflowers, both will make you much more profit and much healthier hobby
you just play conservative, make traps, tilt is the worst thats why i play league when you play league no more tilting
Its not really true, that variance decrease proportionally to stack size, since you are going to be all in much more often with a short stack. Also as a short stacker if you want to stick with the strategy and bankroll management, you need to leave a table, as soon as you have won an all in, because other players will usually have you covered. Which kind of suck, if its a good table.
Min buy in has been working for me ever since I started playing, I play much more careful due to that small stack where as if I buy in fb or max I'd make loose calls. But each to their own.
My man!
Short stacking is key! You want to play with their money not yours…my theory since I started playing. Great advice
Isn't this more like 'how to move up stakes quicker'?
I dunno, man. If you come in shor t stacked, the bigger stacks just bully you pre flop and bet half your stack (or your entire stack)before you can even see a flop. They know that you most likely aren't gonna call. Then when you finally let you into a hand, you get no action. Very easy to get blinded out when you're handcuffed like that.
Not to mention, you can wait around for those pocket Aces to finally call their pre flop raise and still get them cracked.
It's like playing all in or fold poker.
Made 3k from 100 dollar over 1 night….that was great only with zoom poker
What does the "NL" stand for in the Stake column?