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Top Poker Tells! How to Read Your Opponents! Watch and Subscribe!
Tweets by Karlencho
Source: YouTube

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Learn Poker Video Source & Info:
Top Poker Tells! How to Read Your Opponents! Watch and Subscribe!
Tweets by Karlencho
Source: YouTube
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Thank you for this video. Very informative! Playing in my first tournament today and i will be using all your tips. Thanks again!
Okay so i turned 18 in april last year and have been playing poker at crown and local bars in Australia. I'm a sorta tight player, depending on who i'm up against because i tend to know how the players i verse play, i just can't read them that well. I play tournaments and am yet to have my first win but i am told i am an elite player that will eventually become pro if i keep playing like i do. I just want to know how much this helped other people to read other players because i tend to play the strength of my hand and normally they are easy to read but i don't like to bluff because i'm never sure if my read is correct. I'm trying to read about ranges as well and think about what ranges they could have before putting them on a hand. If someone could let me know how much this helped them and what type of player they are that would be great. I tend to be a tight aggressive player
Lol worste video ever!!! Straight copy cat!!!
Great video mate 👍.
Actually when I had a strong hand once, I splashed my chips to bet to act like I'm bluffing. So it really depends sometimes. But thanks for the tips.
It is very hard to focus on your video with the background music.
Stop assuming your a opponent is always another man 😆🤷♂️
Way to regurgitate twenty year old content.
soooo this is pretty much has the same info as this video -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5MZxo8IwrE
Buongiorno a tutti chi vuole può guardare anche il mio canale