Why Poker Success In 2022 Requires A Completely New Approach (Part1)

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In this video you will learn why poker success in 2022 requires a completely new approach.

Free PDF – learn the 8 skills you need to develop for elite poker performance: https://www.thepokerathlete.com/free-guide

Find out more about the Poker Athlete: https://www.thepokerathlete.com

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Source: YouTube

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Why Poker Success In 2022 Requires A Completely New Approach (Part1)

10 thoughts on “Why Poker Success In 2022 Requires A Completely New Approach (Part1)

  1. Just want to let you know this is really good content. Nice to see you are still putting out consistent high level videos without the huge following yet. It will come…👍

  2. This man is to be taking seriously if wanted to improuve your game drastically agaisnt 2022 performers expecialy mid high stakes (TO BE PROFITABLE) ive been watching him ever since and my presence (performance mindset) is peaking everytime im playing my sessions thanks adam ! he has them all in numbers to do most important id say to get to peaks is to first self awareness then emotional regulation just those 2 will improuve emensilly ur game and make more profit and less loss being in control ( RESIENLENCE THEN) is what gets you to performance mindset also with some good game theori dont get me wrong but this man has poker background of being 3 times supernova elite and also first year done with not even the propper bankroll what a CHAMP ! (THIS IS NOT YOUR ORDONARY POKER MINDSET COACH none the less) everyone who want to become a poker pro need to take this serious about their game mindset is a huge key in 2022 like he says and its been working like a charm for me plus hes doing this on hes freetime love it!DONT FORGET TO GET THE PROPER DIET AND REST WILL ALSO PEAK YOUR PERFORMANCE MINDSET GOOD DAY TO EVERYONE! BIG BOSS ADAM FTW!!!

  3. Dont agree with performance mindset for noobs or trying a new gto strategy

  4. Nice video! However, you forgot the 9th skill everybody need to have to become a skillful player. And this skill is likely the most important skill of all How-to-beat-bad-variance-skill. Forget about poker if you don´t train and improve this skill. All players have downswings that lasts for weeks and even months, going broke. So players would also need to have the 10th very important skill "How-to-ask-and-borrow-money-or-even-better-how-to-get-staked–so-I-can-pay-my-rent-skill.

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