Poker Strategy Info And Source:
Here I go over the in-position flop strategy for what I believe to be the most common spot in poker cash games, the BTN vs BB in SRP on boards AAA-AT2. It’s roughly a third of all possible board textures for this spot, and I did everything I can to help curate what is necessary for having a specific implementable strategy that would be effective at almost any stake or format of the game. I am not sure if I have succeeded in that respect but I would be grateful for any thoughts or feedback.
Source: YouTube

Audio didn't capture for first 30 seconds, and sorry about my face, probably a good thing I didn't get this one going in HD lol. But let me know if you have any thoughts or suggestions though, especially if you got through all of this which I imagine is very few people. After this I am going to write a specific strategy out on a separate doc, and apply said strategy to the GTOWizard sims I made, then record it. I've already done this to an extent and it works great, and it feels incredible having a strong, thinking framework for every hand. I imagine this strategy is more specific than what most players have at most stakes, and my goal is to do this with all the most common spots in cash games. Overall this makes me feel much better about my game here and gets me excited about what's to come.
After this spot, I am going to further refine the board textures and do it again, maybe most of the rest the A high's, but I don't want to have too many parts as you can see it can take forever to even complete a single spot and I don't want to be doing this forever, but I also don't want to be haphazard or miss anything. That is why suggestions would be so appreciated. Even though this is a long ways a way if I stay linear, I will probably do either LJ vs BB next or common 3! spots like SB vs BTN or BB vs HJ as those are really common and interesting spots that I have already done some work on as well.
Also this probably applies to all my stuff, but typically watching at 1.5x-2x speed makes it far more bearable/close to enjoyable for me, would recommend the same as the norm for most of what I do.
Awesome content bro, I'm backing you 100% with this journey.
I can't offer any advice because I'm worlds behind when it comes to studying these positions and coming up with strategies. I've been running through GTOwizard courses and study and over the year my live tourny is quite solid while online cash is what I'm trying to improve on. These videos capture the process of crunching through a study session and making sense of GTO plays. Thanks for the content and keep up the great work, it will pay off