+$942 Playing $1/$2 Live Poker ⋅ SplitSuit VLOG 011

Poker Strategy Info And Source:

This is the season finale of the $1/$2 #poker #vlog featuring a session played at the Orange City Poker Room in Florida. There are several interesting pots, including getting AK all-in preflop, handling garbage river cards, and trying to get flopped quads paid off. Everything from bet sizing to dealing with multiway pots is covered, along with another $500 high-hand bonus. Sweet!

0:00 Welcome To Poker VLOG 11
0:35 AK against two short stacks
2:57 KT flops a straight
6:08 AK in a straddle pot
10:36 AT against a nasty turn card
14:06 AKs flops a flush draw
21:30 33 flops bottom set
26:25 33 flops quads lol
31:04 AT loses its mind
34:30 VLOG session results


· What Is SPR?: https://www.splitsuit.com/spr-poker-strategy
· Pot Odds 101: https://www.splitsuit.com/easy-poker-pot-odds
· What Is A Straddle In Poker?: https://redchippoker.com/should-i-straddle-in-poker/

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Source: YouTube

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+$942 Playing $1/$2 Live Poker ⋅ SplitSuit VLOG 011

10 thoughts on “+$942 Playing $1/$2 Live Poker ⋅ SplitSuit VLOG 011

  1. If you aren't 100% on certain terms used in this video (like pot odds or SPR), I invite you to join my free math course today: https://www.splitsuit.com/the-poker-math-course

  2. I had a situation last week where 2 short stacks went all in with about 20-25 bbs and I ended up calling from the blinds with AThh. One had 52 and made a straight. Was AT suited a call in that spot?

  3. The AKdd vs QTdd is hilarious! I think I might have sized down otf to set up more fold equity ott.

  4. “…firing is going to be a little bit better.”
    In or out of position, is it best we keep the betting lead?
    I have been hearing about checking 100% oop but when we raise pre and get called, can’t we just keep the betting lead provided spr lines up regardless of flop texture at small stakes?
    Great info and work so far, oh great bearded one!

  5. This was the first vlog I had to dislike. Due to 2 details. As a full time grinder it irked me.
    1)we never include promos into our hourly win rate.
    2) The AT off hand at the end is a 100% punt 100% of the time. A 4 bet at 1/2 or 1/3 is AA or KK almost 99% of the time. The other 1% it is AK suited.

  6. I think you coulda gone for the "reverse spaz induce" on the quads hand where you bet like 5 BBs on the river to make it look like you're trying to buy showdown

  7. These vlogs are awesome. Actually love seeing you play small stakes and discussing why you will do certain things against certain opponents depending on what you know about them. Very digestible and helpful!!

  8. I would love to see other hands here too… the hands you fold that look good. And then explain why calling or raising is bad.

  9. Hi James,
    Sweet video! I am an MTT online reg who has been playing some live cash games on the side and this game plays similar to the one I play at. Lots of straddling even with short stacks lol

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