Poker Strategy Info And Source:
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I think you played it bad
I appreciate the hand. Ur playing Lower stakes. Typically they can just let u make the bets with check call. U shoved with that board ? Seems a little desperate. If he watches ur videos I like the call. Thx for sharing. Poker is a personal journey. Have to learn as u go.
You bluff wayyyyyy too much
Man this is what happens at the tables I play as well. You can never bluff these donkeys, they'll call with bottom pair as well most of the times.
Raising turn and then repping a flush isn’t very believable
where was the shove?
you deserve it……why bet 15?…….you let them in…bad bluff
You didn't raise the flop so you are representing a flush. You have way fewer made flushes than sets etc. Not solid IMHO. Plus at this level you make $$ on going all in w KQ here than bluffing. They don't fold pairs