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#poker #shorts
Watch the full stream recording, hand at 20:35:
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I would not be talking at all if I’m calling with only high card. Well actually.. I wouldn’t have called in the first place.
😂”one day you are gonna bluff, right”
>”full house”
Stop putting what happened in the hand in the description
Could've taken it with the re raise.. yet being someone who doesn't overplay ace king pre flop can't blame him. Not a bad bluff catching call either just ran into the semi nuts (edit: there you happy)
Full house is fine, it's the type of full house that he has LMAO 🤣
What an guy. Q, j. Everything on the board. And pays 300k ? And he still thinks ak is good? How did he make it to the final table?
"Full house" drops mic 🎤
Negreanu is the most intelligent and able poker player in the world.
100% agree with this call
Did he limp in with AK? What does he expect