Poker Strategy Info And Source:

Playing profitably against calling stations when you are card dead is a tricky spot, but never fear, this poker video will help you solve that problem!

It is a common fact that you will be card dead a decent amount during your poker career, remember to stay patient!

It is important to ask yourself if a player you deem to be calling station, is in fact actually a calling station! There comes a point that they may not just blindly call all of their bluff catchers.

You should consider triple barreling using a large size, especially when the board is scary and you have relevant blockers in your poker hand.

Many players make the mistake of never bluffing, resulting in them rarely getting paid off when they improve to the nuts.

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On this Poker Coaching channel we cover a weekly poker topic to help improve your poker strategy!

In order to take your poker game to the next level it is vitally important you learn all the nuances of the game.

Do you know what ranges of poker hands you should be playing from each position? When should you 3-bet, call or fold? When is the right time to make a hero call or a huge bluff? Do you know how to play preflop, flop, turn & river effectively and how should your poker strategy change depending on the street? What difference does it make if you are playing multi-way vs heads-up?

We answer all of these poker questions and more in our poker strategy videos. You can find them all on this playlist:

#pokerstrategy #pokercoaching #badluck

Source: YouTube

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10 thoughts on “Crush CALLING STATIONS When You Are CARD DEAD!

  1. What do you do at the poker table when you are card dead and playing against calling stations? 🤔

  2. I haven't watched this yet but I have a strategy and I'm curious to see if we do the same thing

  3. Just fold. I have won SNGs where I only played a hand after folding 30 hands in a row and then getting all in pre with good hands and get called against the calling sessions

  4. I'm gonna watch this video about once a week, Love it …. 1-3 seems to run into calling stations 60% of the time. Love the tournament insights as well.đź’Ż

  5. I can tell you what I do when card dead against them. Start betting even bigger. I refuse to just fold a bad load

  6. The last tournament I played, one of the other players commented, “You play a short stack really well.”. I responded, “That’s because I have a LOT of experience.” grins

  7. What a great topic and video. Another very important topic that is often not discussed in any detail

  8. The best bluff I ever pulled off was a 1.5 BB river jam. The other guy had been very scared to call my turn bet (I had intended to go all in but missed a couple chips and hadn't vocalized my bet). I saw he wasn't paying any attention to how much I had left, and I missed my monster draw and had zero showdown value. So, I decided I've got nothing to lose, and said "all in" and he folded without even looking to see how much it was.

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