Poker Strategy Info And Source:
Decentralland Ice poker strategy 2022. In this video, I will be showing you how I earn 450 plus ice poker tokens a day. Decentalland ice poker is very different from regular poker so I decided to put share my tips and tricks on how I earn the maximum amount of ice token I possibly can. Ice poker is an amazing play to earn the game and I cant wait to see how the game evolves.
Decentral Games’ ICE Poker was launched in Oct. 2021. The game allows players to earn tokens by playing for ranking on the leaderboard. The team believes that the open metaverse will be the next evolution of the internet, and Decentral Games aims to allow anyone to earn from playing familiar games like poker.
An online casino located in the expansive Decentraland metaverse is attracting more than 100,000 monthly players and $3.2m in revenue to its virtual tables.
#icepoker #decentralland #playtoearn
Source: YouTube

Well done!
Couldn’t believe the floor price was .5, I finally took the opportunity to buy one and I should make ROI in 3-4 months
Fellow Aussie here, luv ya videos mate… keep them coming. Do you delegate out too (so hard finding good players). Maybe i'll send my player this like for them to learn.