Poker Strategy Info And Source:
During EPT 100 from Barcelona, poker superstar Dominik Panka tried to pull off an incredible bluff. Following the hand, Panka explains his game-play strategy in this huge pot, and what he would have changed about his play.
Source: YouTube

I kind of liked the fact that he recognised his mistakes in the hand and pointed out things he could improve on (as poker players that's what we always do). Rather than other pros using this "pros explain" bit to justify their plays like "Oh his range is _, _ only and I'm getting good enough pot odds etc etc cough I never make any mistakes cough"
U all jelly guys, but he is still way ritcher than u lol
I'm ok
Good explanation, one of the better ones for sure.
Pankas a beast..
His zombie style of play is a bit exhausting to watch, but I love his analysis. I would have paid to see him suddenly flip out, Hellmuth style though!
Where do I get some sunglasses like Panka's?
pause @ 1:11, full house guy swallows his spit after hitting his set 😉
At the 2 minute mark thinking WTF.
Three years ago… OK 😀 Why didn't Panka and Zhang show the cards at the end? Why only Rudoy showed? Did they not have a obligation of that? None of them folded in fact… I don't understand…