Poker Strategy Info And Source:
Going strong with the 4th Part of the $22 Super Tuesday Review!
If you missed PART 1:
If you want to start playing yourself, join me on 888 Poker and get $88 free without a deposit by using this link: (might need to turn off adblock)
I’m Henri Bühler, better known as Buehlero in the poker world. I’m a 20 year old student, that started streaming with a $100 Bankroll in January 2016. Since then you could follow my progress in moving up the stakes in many twitch streams.
More action, updates and a look behind the scenes here:
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● Snapchat: realbuehlero
Upswingpoker is a training site that turns beginners into winners!
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My HUD is Holdem Manager 2, you can get a free trial here:
You can buy shares of my tournament action here:
Source: YouTube

Hey man, I won't be giving you unlike, but this video bad, you are calculating pot odds and Chip EV on the final table…
Edit: nevermind, good vid ;D
Watched yesterday's then half way through this I realized this was a $27 buy in tourney and immediately shut it off. Wish I could have my 45 minutes back
I really like your play good spots to 3bet good spots to barrel ideal play imo very gg
hey man i really like your vids alot!! I have one silly question. How do you get those stats next to the names of the other accounts? Wish i could have them too…..
gl henri, watching u on tonka stream
Hi Buehlero!
Nice Vids machst du du – Daumen hoch!!!
Könntest du evtl. mal eine Einsteiger-Tunier Session machen?
Mit z.B welche Turniere man mit welcher BR starten sollte bzw. welche MTT´s/Single Tables mit welcher BR
Vielleicht ne kleine Handrange zur Erklärung oder so?
Wäre echt nice – ich glaube, dass es viel Turnier-Einsteiger gibt, denen das interessieren würde
Ciao und mach weiter so